Jeffrey Knopf

Iā€™m interested in the creation of objects and have exhibited work throughout the UK, Switzerland, and the USA. My art practice is interested in the past, present, and future, a scattering of forgotten memories and discarded components; these are then offset with scanned and 3D printed artifacts from museum collections.

In recent years, I have moved away from the traditional way of working by sketching and designing a piece to something more intuitive in line with play and discovery. The sculptures/ assemblages serve as reminders of fallen empires, the fragments of which are found online or scanned directly from museum collections, to be taken apart and reassembled to create new forms and dialogues. 

Balancing and teetering on the edge of collapse, the sculptures/ assemblages are a metaphor for how fragile the interaction is between technology, humans, and the world, reminding us to slow down and take stock of what we have in front of us and what can be lost over time. 

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